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Sunday, October 7, 2012

French and Indian War

The French and Indian war, also known as the seven years war in Europe, is a not really famous war on 1756- 1763. The war was started for multiple reasons: The British claimed the Ohio river valley along with France, and George Washington's troops shot two french officers, those are the main two reasons. the Ohio river valley was a prominent Beaver fur trading site. George has always wanted to join the British Army and to do so, you had to be very good, know someone, or "inherit" it (like if your father was in it.) the Colonies wanted someone to go into the French's territory and try to negotiate with them. it was a suicide mission, but George Washington wanted to make a name for himself and volunteered. When he got there, they didn't even listen to him so they sent him away. The Colonies plan B was to build a fort in the middle of the Ohio River Valley. So in 1754 they sent George Washington with 150 men to build a fort, Fort Necessity.on the way they shot two french officers without permission. When they built it they built it in the middle of a field, in firing range of the trees. It was actually in a water drainage site also. It was also very close to the French Fort Duqense. Fort Necessity was quickly surrounded by the French, and was forced to surrender. When the French brought them back to the Fort they gave him the terms of release, it was in French so they read it to him. they told him if he signed it, they let him and his men go if they promised to never come back. so he signed is. It really said he was a terrible person who shot officers and a lot of terrible things about George. Even though he was embarrassed he was lionized. the Albany Plan of Union, suggested by Benjamin Franklin, was turned down by the Colonists. The British and French in Europe did not send over troops at first. most of the Indian tribes sided with the French because they were friendly and married women in the tribes. The Iroquois sided with the British after a while of trying to be neurtal. the only reason they sided with the British is because they bribed and threatened them to side with them. This war was fought in both America and Europe. the Colonists backup plan was to attack the main French Fort, Fort Duquense. So George Washington and General Edward Bradock with a small Militia and 1,400 Redcoats. They were up against a huge ammount of the French army and there Indian allies. this was a terrible fail of an attack, with more than a thousand casualties for the British and Militia including Edward. one main reason for the defeat is the indians guerillawarfare of hiding behind rocks and other objects. Also the French had the higger ground which is a very important factor in battles.

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