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Friday, August 24, 2012

Revolutionary war

American flag at the time of the Revolutionary war
This was the way the British fought in the 1700's 
              The Revolutionary War was fought during the years 1775-1783. It was a war fought for the Americans independence over the Britians who "owned" and ruled over them. The Brits roamed the American streets and took all weapons, taxed them, etc. The Americans felt like they were treated unfairly and rebelled which resulted in the first battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. The British were ordered to destroy stores and rebels because they thought the Americans were trying to stock up on weapons for a rebellion. American Spies found out and sent Paul Revere and William Daves to warn the civilians. Paul is famous for the saying, "The British are coming!". Paul was eventually caught by a British patrol but Daves escaped. Paul and William were also known as the minute men. Then the next day was the battle of Lexington. There is not really a winner of this battle but led to the next battle Concord. During this battle someone shot a bullet before the battle started which is known as "the shot heard around the world. the battle of saratoga was probably the most inportant battle for the americans. when they won this it looked like the Americans coould win. because of this, Spain ans France took the Americans side. This war was a long and bloody war which resulted in the British surrender in Yorktown. The reason they surrendered is because the French and Spain took the rebels side, and the Americans knew the ground well, and last the Britians were being transported from Great Britian so they didn't have all their troops in one place because of this, they didn't have a strategic view. Now because of this America is a free country. George Washington become president after this, He was also a very good general in this war.

Weapons Used in this War

The musket was the most commonly used weapon in the Revolutionary war. Muskets varied in maker, they also were very high caliber


The Blundermoss was used by British, French, and some Americans. Mainly used at close combat.






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