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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

World War 1

                                                    World War I                                              
World War 1 started July 28, 1914 and ended 1919. It started when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, when Serbia assassinated Austria Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie.Soon this small conflict spread,Germany,Russia,Great Brittan, and France joined the war.They joined because they all had treaties, so they joined the war when there allies joined in. This war was one of the largest wars in history killing more than 9 million people mainly because of the new technology. The Austrian-Hungry invasion of Serbia and right after the Germans Invaded Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Then Russia attacked Germany. Soldiers on each side the line fought from trenches. If the soldiers wanted to get to the other trench they had to go through "no mans land,"The area between the trenches. Thousand of soldiers cross this land trying to get to the other trench. The allies hoped the U.S.A. would help them, but the U.S. didn't want to get involved, plus they were really far away.There were two reasons they changed there minds. First in 1915 a German U-boat sunk the British ocean liner RMS Lusitania.This ship carried mostly filled with passengers. The second was in 1917 when Germany sent a message to Mexico promising parts of the U.S. Britain found it and sowed the U.S. This is why the U.S entered the war, joining the allies.When the U.S. entered the war, Russia left the war. The wars in the East were over, but the wars in the West went on for one more year. Millions more of soldiers died and very little land was taken over. The Europeans were tired of all the years of fighting, but the United States came in, and soon the Germans retreated.In the next Few months, diplomats argued and agreed in order to come up with The Treaty of Versailles. This treaty gave land and money to decimated countries.

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