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Sunday, October 7, 2012

French and Indian War

The French and Indian war, also known as the seven years war in Europe, is a not really famous war on 1756- 1763. The war was started for multiple reasons: The British claimed the Ohio river valley along with France, and George Washington's troops shot two french officers, those are the main two reasons. the Ohio river valley was a prominent Beaver fur trading site. George has always wanted to join the British Army and to do so, you had to be very good, know someone, or "inherit" it (like if your father was in it.) the Colonies wanted someone to go into the French's territory and try to negotiate with them. it was a suicide mission, but George Washington wanted to make a name for himself and volunteered. When he got there, they didn't even listen to him so they sent him away. The Colonies plan B was to build a fort in the middle of the Ohio River Valley. So in 1754 they sent George Washington with 150 men to build a fort, Fort Necessity.on the way they shot two french officers without permission. When they built it they built it in the middle of a field, in firing range of the trees. It was actually in a water drainage site also. It was also very close to the French Fort Duqense. Fort Necessity was quickly surrounded by the French, and was forced to surrender. When the French brought them back to the Fort they gave him the terms of release, it was in French so they read it to him. they told him if he signed it, they let him and his men go if they promised to never come back. so he signed is. It really said he was a terrible person who shot officers and a lot of terrible things about George. Even though he was embarrassed he was lionized. the Albany Plan of Union, suggested by Benjamin Franklin, was turned down by the Colonists. The British and French in Europe did not send over troops at first. most of the Indian tribes sided with the French because they were friendly and married women in the tribes. The Iroquois sided with the British after a while of trying to be neurtal. the only reason they sided with the British is because they bribed and threatened them to side with them. This war was fought in both America and Europe. the Colonists backup plan was to attack the main French Fort, Fort Duquense. So George Washington and General Edward Bradock with a small Militia and 1,400 Redcoats. They were up against a huge ammount of the French army and there Indian allies. this was a terrible fail of an attack, with more than a thousand casualties for the British and Militia including Edward. one main reason for the defeat is the indians guerillawarfare of hiding behind rocks and other objects. Also the French had the higger ground which is a very important factor in battles.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lebanon War of 2006

The Hezbollah terrorists crossed the border from Lebanon into Israel on July 12, 2006. The Terrorist attacked attacked Israeli soldiers guarding the border. Eight soldiers died and two were kidnapped. Israel countered with precision air strikes aimed at Hezbollah troops and commanders in Lebanon. Hezbollah immediately responded with lots of Katyusha rockets, which targeted civilian population centers in Israel's northern cities. The rockets continued at more that 100 per day, making nearly 4,000 rockets fired over the entire war. The war lasted  five weeks. Israel was targeting Hezbollah positions including the offices of its, weapons, storage site, leadership, ,and rocket launch sites. When Israel  went to sabotage the Hezbollah including certain  roads and bridges through Iran and Syria which supplied weaponry to Hezbollah and Beirut's airport. this war was won by the israeli of course cause the U.S helped them.

the Cold War

 Quickly after World war 2 was the cold war which was about the Soviets wanting to make everyone a communist like them at the time the U.S. and the Soviet Union were the only ones with nuclear bombs. So there was a fear that a nuclear war would result. There were no fighting against the Soviet Union because it was a cold war. The Red Scare was a time when the Americans were "scared" of a communist infiltrating the U.S. government and would turn the U.S. communist.the Bay of pigs invasion was supposed to be an invasion of Cuba because dictator Fidel Castro over took  Fulgencio Batist, the former leader, who was allied with America. Fidel wasn't treating the Cubans right. The CIA were to train Cuban exiles to overtake the Cuban government, they were to have two bomb raids and have two different attacking forces. This mission failed terribly, most of the bombers missed their targets and the Cubans weren't trained very well. the 1,400 Cuban exiles were quickly under heavy fire and were met by 20,000 troops from Fidel. there were also bad weather also. this looked very bad for President Kennedy and for the CIA. This took place on April 17, 1961. Then there was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. This was the nearest the world came to a total nuclear war. the Cuban island had Soviet leaders in it ready to use these nuclear bombs the moment Cuba is attacked. The Soviet missiles could only reach America if launched from Europe, but American missiles could reach all the way to The Soviet Union. now that Soviet Missiles were in Cuba they could easily reach the U.S. now, this sent America into a panic. As soon as President Kennedy heard of the missiles being there he organized a group of a dozen of the best, most important advisers, he called this group EX-COMM. While this was happening, Fidel Castro the Cuban Dictator was trying to find a successful way to defend Cuba after the Attack at the Bay of pigs Invasion. Kennedy placed a Naval Blockade around Cuba to stop the transport of more weapons. He also sent a lot of stealth missions to spy on the Cubans and what their plans were. Eventually, the advisers from EX-COMM convinced the Cubans and Soviets to lower their Missiles. This could have been very, very bad.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Korean War

  World war II turned Korea into North and South Korea. The North was Communist and the South was supported by the United States. This war started 1950 and ended in 1953. The war .started when North Korea crossed the 38th parallel line divided the country. The North quickly invaded the south, so the United states came in to help. Right after 90% or more of the Korean Peninsula.South Korea was really close to being defeated. General Douglas MacArthur came up with a counter attack pushing North Korea back across the border. They kept going North toward China hoping to destroy Communism from North Korea Soon Thousand of Chinese soldiers came in. The Americans soon retreated. Eventually they made a defense line located about at the 38th parallel line. This war is at a stalemate, the Korean war never really ended. It is currently happening to this day. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Johnson Model 1941, a US wepon used in  World War I

German Mauser was a standard German  weapon made in 1898
French Lebel produced 1886, Eight round Magazine
British lee-Enfield produced 1907
M1 Thompson produced 1919 used in World war I
It is also known as the Tommy gun ans was a famous gun used by most gangsters such as Al Capone
LugerL08 was a German pistol  used by German officers \

vietnam war

soldiers carrying a wounded soldier
The Vietnam War was a result of communism. The Soviet Union was trying to spread their beliefs of communism around the whole world. Vietnam were divided into two sections, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. the north side were communist the south were not. The U.S was totally against communism,so right away they took side of the South Vietnamese. this war was a very gruesome war because North Vietnam troops  would dress like civilians would hide in bars and taverns and such and when the U.S troops came in they would get massacre. A new type of weapon was used in this called napalm, which was like a explosive fiery bomb, which was very deadly and left a trail of flame. This war was a very deadly war because of the cruel warfare of the North Vietnamese. The U.S. went through most of their current troops so they had to use draft cards which every physically able man  had. this called them to war at any time if they were needed. since  this war was costing the U.S. many troops many draft cards were called. this meant many men of America were called to war. this also caused many protesters complaining about their sons, husbands or friends, dying in this war. This war was not actually won by the U.S. but they didn't lose either, they left before the North won. This is the only war the U.S. didn't win. The U.S involvement happened after the French left the Vietnam so the U.S. basically took the French's place in defending South Vietnam from Communism. This war ended with North Vietnam winning. Now it is just called Vietnam.

photo gallery

These are some pictures from many different wars

recruitment poster from world war 1
german infantrymen from world war 2
revolutionary war ambush scene
reault of the Battle of Gettysburg

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

World War 1

                                                    World War I                                              
World War 1 started July 28, 1914 and ended 1919. It started when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, when Serbia assassinated Austria Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie.Soon this small conflict spread,Germany,Russia,Great Brittan, and France joined the war.They joined because they all had treaties, so they joined the war when there allies joined in. This war was one of the largest wars in history killing more than 9 million people mainly because of the new technology. The Austrian-Hungry invasion of Serbia and right after the Germans Invaded Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Then Russia attacked Germany. Soldiers on each side the line fought from trenches. If the soldiers wanted to get to the other trench they had to go through "no mans land,"The area between the trenches. Thousand of soldiers cross this land trying to get to the other trench. The allies hoped the U.S.A. would help them, but the U.S. didn't want to get involved, plus they were really far away.There were two reasons they changed there minds. First in 1915 a German U-boat sunk the British ocean liner RMS Lusitania.This ship carried mostly filled with passengers. The second was in 1917 when Germany sent a message to Mexico promising parts of the U.S. Britain found it and sowed the U.S. This is why the U.S entered the war, joining the allies.When the U.S. entered the war, Russia left the war. The wars in the East were over, but the wars in the West went on for one more year. Millions more of soldiers died and very little land was taken over. The Europeans were tired of all the years of fighting, but the United States came in, and soon the Germans retreated.In the next Few months, diplomats argued and agreed in order to come up with The Treaty of Versailles. This treaty gave land and money to decimated countries.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

World War 2

World War 2

Adolf Hitler
                World War 2 is a very popular war with students, historians, and gun collectors. It lasted from 1939-1945. The U.S. involvement was 1941-1945. It all started when Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Germany, decided to take back the land they lost in the treaty of Versailles. He became dictator in 1937 because he gave the Germans false hope and told them they were the best race and that all "imperfects" should die. These included: Jews, Homosexuals, blacks, etc. In this war the Soviet Union wanted to join Germany by signing the German-Soviet Pact of nonaggression. Hitler decided to invade Poland. This made Britain and France very angry and they declared war on Germany on September, 3 1939. This was not the only reason for the war but this invasion triggered it. Poland was quickly defeated by Soviets and German soldiers. By 1940 , Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union were allied with Germany. These countries were known as the Axis powers. On July 10, 1940 the Nazi's attacked England, this battle was known as the Battle of Britain and was fought mainly in the sky. On October 31, 1940 the Nazi's finally backed down. The Soviet Union also took over the Baltic regions in 1940. In 1941, the Axis powers betrayed the Soviets and attacked them and took control over the Baltic regions. Because of this the Soviet Union became part of the Allies: Britain and France. Towards the end of 1941 Japan bombed the U.S. this caused the U.S. to join the allies and join the war even though they were neutral at first. This bombing is known as pearl harbor and in America we remind ourselves of this tragedy. If this never happened we might have not won the war. They became part of the war because they declared war on Japan, and then Italy and Germany declared war on the U.S. since they all had an alliance. The first time the war went to Germany was in May of 1942 when the sent a lot of planes to bomb Cologne, Germany. in the years 1942-1943, the Allied forces completed a lot of military victories in North Africa. The biggest tank battle in history happened in, July 1943 when Germany tried one more offensive move in Krusk. July 6th, 1944 is one of the most important dates in World War 2. it is known as D-day. This plan was considered suicide, 150,000 British and American troops invaded the beaches of Normandy, France which was one of the most heavily guarded areas of the Axis powers. The Allies finally took over Normandy towards the end of August. The first time U.S. troops crossed into Germany was on September, 11, 1944. this happened one month after the Soviets crossed the eastern border. Germany tried to launch a counter attack in mid December but failed. This counter attack happened in Belgium and northern France, this was known as the Battle of the Bulge. industrial plants and concentration camps were the target of Allied air support. Soon after D-day the Germans surrendered and the French were defeated. This left the Japanese, the final stages in the war were in the islands in the pacific because the U.S were trying to get closer to Japan. This strategy was called island hopping. The war ended when the U.S dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan with a plane called  The Enola Gay which was a b-52. The two bombs were called Little Boy and the Fat Man, they were dropped on, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This was the end of World War 2. The dropping of the two nuclear bombs was and is very controversial. many considered the Americans racist because they wouldn't have dropped it on the Germans. I'm not picking sides, but it did end the war quicker with less suffering and deaths. Quickly after this was the cold war which was about the Soviets wanting to make everyone a communist like them at the time the U.S. and the Soviet Union were the only ones with nuclear bombs. So there was a fear that a nuclear war would result. There were no fighting against the Soviet Union because it was a cold war. The Red Scare was a time when the Americans were "scared" of a communist infiltrating the U.S. government and would turn the U.S. communist. This war also had the use of trenches but had terrible health and comfort conditions. Directly after this war, was the Cold war which you can read about at our blog.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Civil war

In the spring of  1861 Confederates and the Unions went to war Over Susession, because the Union wanted to abolish slavey. The election of the anti-slavery Republican. The president Abraham Lincoln in 1860 caused seven Confederate states to brake apart from the Untited States. Four more states joined them after the first shots were fired. Four years of brutal war caused somehistoric battles at Bull Run, Antiettam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg.The war was known as brother agianst brother and neighboor agianst neighboor.The Confederates surrendered in 1865 with 620,000 of  2.4 million soldiers killed, million more were injured and the territory of the south was devastated. This was the last war to use a drummer boy.

The Battle of Gettysburg

Spring field 1842
It was manufactured 1844-1855 as a
primary military wepon
The battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was fought july 1-3, 1863. This battle caused the most deaths of any other battle during this war.The Union won this war

The Model 1861 colt nav  revolver

36-cailiber revolver was a
six shot , single-action 
manufactured 1861-1873

Revolutionary war

American flag at the time of the Revolutionary war
This was the way the British fought in the 1700's 
              The Revolutionary War was fought during the years 1775-1783. It was a war fought for the Americans independence over the Britians who "owned" and ruled over them. The Brits roamed the American streets and took all weapons, taxed them, etc. The Americans felt like they were treated unfairly and rebelled which resulted in the first battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. The British were ordered to destroy stores and rebels because they thought the Americans were trying to stock up on weapons for a rebellion. American Spies found out and sent Paul Revere and William Daves to warn the civilians. Paul is famous for the saying, "The British are coming!". Paul was eventually caught by a British patrol but Daves escaped. Paul and William were also known as the minute men. Then the next day was the battle of Lexington. There is not really a winner of this battle but led to the next battle Concord. During this battle someone shot a bullet before the battle started which is known as "the shot heard around the world. the battle of saratoga was probably the most inportant battle for the americans. when they won this it looked like the Americans coould win. because of this, Spain ans France took the Americans side. This war was a long and bloody war which resulted in the British surrender in Yorktown. The reason they surrendered is because the French and Spain took the rebels side, and the Americans knew the ground well, and last the Britians were being transported from Great Britian so they didn't have all their troops in one place because of this, they didn't have a strategic view. Now because of this America is a free country. George Washington become president after this, He was also a very good general in this war.

Weapons Used in this War

The musket was the most commonly used weapon in the Revolutionary war. Muskets varied in maker, they also were very high caliber


The Blundermoss was used by British, French, and some Americans. Mainly used at close combat.






Thursday, August 23, 2012


   Hey everyone tis is Alex and Garrett! We are the writers of this blog (duh). Alright we will post info and pictures of a bunch of different wars. Feel free to post ideas, photos, or whatever you like (also comments).please comment on new guns, your favorite pictures, and what wars to do and the  things we missed.Thank you!